Penang Economic Monthly 2006

peoutlook2011 - Penang Economic Monthly 2006

Month     Title
JanThe Gold & Jewellery Industry in Penang
Monetary Policy: The OPR and Its Effects On The Economy
FebThe Medical Device and Instrumentation Industry
MarPerformance of Penang’s Manufacturing Investments in 2005
Penang GRP 2005 
The Report Card for 2005: Malaysia’s National Account Numbers
AprThe Software Industry in Penang
9th Malaysia Plan: Developing the Human Side
MayThe U.S. – Malaysia Free Trade Agreement
JunPerformance of the Penang Industrial Sector 2005, Penang Quarterly GRP Report, How Inflation Responds to Policy
JulThe Penang Automation Cluster and Its Role In The Automation Industry
AugPenang’s Potential as a Regional Automotive Hub
SepThe 2007 Federal Budget; A Macro Perspective of the Third Industrial Master Plan (IMP3)
OctThe Performance of the Tourism Industry in Penang; Making Policy Based on Statistics: How Many Tourists Visited Penang in 2005?
NovThe Potential of Halal Industry in Penang; World Competitiveness Report 2006
DecPenang Economic Report 2006 – Year-End Review and Outlook for 2007