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Publication and dissemination of information and data is a major element of SERI’s activities. It documents reports and findings from its research projects as well as prepares briefs to the State Government on issues that are pertinent and topical. Apart from the Penang Statistics and Economic Briefing publications, SERI also publishes occasional papers and monographs, and produces a quarterly SERI Newsletter to keep Board Members and associates up to date with SERI events.

Monthly Economic Briefing 

Click on the following for Article Listing by Month from January 2003 onwards:-

Penang Economic Monthly 2009

Penang Economic Monthly 2008

Penang Economic Monthly 2007

Penang Economic Monthly 2006

Penang Economic Monthly 2005

Penang Economic Monthly 2004

Penang Economic Monthly 2003

Quaterly Penang Statistics – Click on the following:-

Quarterly Penang Statistics – (pdf format)
Latest***Penang Statistics Quarter 3 – 2008***
2008[Quarter 1][Quarter 2][Quarter 3]
2007[Quarter 1][Quarter 2][Quarter 3][Quarter 4]
2006[Quarter 1][Quarter 2][Quarter 3][Quarter 4]
2005[Quarter 1][Quarter 2][Quarter 3 ] [Quarter 4]
2004[Quarter 1][Quarter 2 ][Quarter 3 ] [Quarter 4]
2003[Quarter 1] [Quarter 2] [Quarter 3] [Quarter 4]
2002[Quarter 1] [Quarter 2] [Quarter 3] [Quarter 4]
2001[Quarter 1] [Quarter 2] [Quarter 3] [Quarter 4]
2000[Quarter 1] [Quarter 2] [Quarter 3] [Quarter 4]
1999[Quarter 4]

Occasional Papers and Minigraphs – Click on the following:-

Occasional Papers and Monographs – (pdf format)
Penang’s Manufacturing CompetitivenessTechnological & Managerial Upgrading of SMI/Es Through Linkages with MNCs/LSIs: Lessons Learnt & ImplicationsHuman Resource – Issues & Challenges, Prospects For GrowthTrade, Investment & Economic Cooperation Between China and Southeast Asia: The Case of Malaysia

See how real estate helps Malaysia’s economy!